
This is the outline of the educational video!! I wrote this and Minato is editting this.

One day, at Ueno zoo, a rabbit and a turtle were quarreling.
 Rabbit:  say something “………..”
 Turtle:  say something “………..”
While quarreling
A breeder came and said that “you, guys should take a race and decided the winner”
They convinced that.
 Rabbit: say something “……….”
 Turtle: say something “……….”
The breeder arranged the course: from the zoo to anywhere.   Please decide, Minato!!

The rabbit went ahead as quickly as lightning the moment the race started. On the other hand, the rabbit began to walk so slowly.
Turtle: grumble “…………”
While the turtle walking, the rabbit were sleeping on the bench. ‘cause the turtle were so slow that the rabbit thought the turtle could not take me over.
For a while, the rabbit was sleeping with good feeling.
The turtle passed the rabbit and arrived at the goal.
When the rabbit woke up, it was getting dark. But he didn’t realize he was taken over.
The rabbit arrived at the goal. He looked really confident before he found the turtle in front of him.
 The turtle spoke to the rabbit. “…………..”
The rabbit looked worried and said “…………”
 The turtle answered “……………”
 The rabbit apologized.

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